how to earn a healthy return investing in whiskey

How To Spot A Good Whiskey Investment

Investors are always on the lookout for new opportunities and ways to make money. One potential investment opportunity that is growing in popularity is whiskey. But not all whiskeys are created equal, and not all whiskeys will give you the same return on your investment. Here are some tips on how to spot a good whiskey investment.

barman pouring whiskey in front of whiskey glass and bottles on wood table

1. Know Your Whiskey

When it comes to investing in whiskey, there are a few things you should keep in mind if you’re looking to invest. First, is the age of the whiskey. Generally speaking, the older the whiskey, the more valuable it is. This is because whiskey generally improves with age, developing new and complex flavors as it mellows in the barrel. Of course, there are some exceptions to this rule, so it’s always important to do your research before investing in an aged whiskey (I’ll talk about that more in a moment).

Another factor to consider is the distillery where the whiskey was produced. Some distilleries are more highly regarded than others, and their whiskeys tend to command higher prices as a result. Again, this is not always the case, but it’s something to keep in mind.

Finally, limited edition or rare whiskeys are often highly sought-after by collectors and can be extremely valuable. If you’re looking to invest in whiskey, these are a few things you should keep in mind. With a little research, you can be sure to make a wise investment that will pay off for years to come.

2. Look for a Solid Brand of Whiskey

When it comes to investing in whiskey, one of the most important things to look for is a solid brand.

Read up on different brands and get to know the ins and outs of each one. For example Macallan Whisky is one of the most popular and well-respected brands of whiskey in the world. It is known for its high quality and exceptional flavor.

Macallan Highland Single Malt Scotch Whiskey Box close up studio shot. The Macallan Distillers is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Edrington Group.

The Highland Single Malt is distilled in small batches using only the finest ingredients, resulting in a smooth, complex flavor that has earned it a loyal following among discerning drinkers.

In recent years, Macallan has also become a coveted investment, with rare bottles fetching high prices at auction, with on bottle of Macallan selling for nearly $2million at auction in 2019. For those looking to invest in whisky, Macallan is an excellent choice.

Not only is it one of the most desirable brands on the market, but its popularity is likely to continue to grow in the years ahead.

There are of course other solid brands of Whiskey ideal for investment. When looking at the various brands, pay attention to factors such as age , quality, and rarity when selecting a bottle of whiskey to invest in.

3. Consider the age of the whiskey

Although I have said in the previous paragraph that you should pay attenetion the age of a Whiskey when looking to invest, When it comes to whiskey, age isn’t everything.

In fact, there are a number of factors that can affect the quality of a bottle of whiskey, including the type of barrel it was aged in and the climate in which it was stored.

That said, age is still an important consideration when investing in whiskey. Generally speaking, the older the whiskey, the rarer it is and the more valuable it will be.

So if you’re looking to invest in a bottle of whiskey, be sure to take its age into account. With that in mind, here are three things to keep in mind when considering the age of a whiskey:

1) The older the whiskey, the rarer it is. This is especially true for whiskeys that were distilled before 1970. As such, these bottles are often more valuable than their younger counterparts.

2) The type of barrel the whiskey was aged in can also affect its value. For example, whiskeys that were aged in sherry barrels are typically more valuable than those aged in bourbon barrels.

3) The climate in which the whiskey was stored can also impact its value. For instance, whiskeys that were stored in cool, dry climates are often more valuable than those that were stored in warm, humid climates.

4. Examine The Condition of The Whiskey Bottle

When investing in whiskey, it is important to examine the condition of the bottle. Even if the whiskey is old, it will not be worth as much if the bottle is damaged.

In some cases, the value of the bottle can be more than the whiskey itself. Therefore, it is important to take a close look at the label and glass to make sure that there are no major chips or cracks.

5. Compare Prices

When it comes to investing in whiskey, many people simply buy the first bottle they see. However, this is not always the best idea.

Just like any other investment, it’s important to compare prices before making a purchase. This way, you can be sure you’re getting the best possible value for your money.

There are a few different factors that go into determining the price of whiskey. As has already been mentioned, the age of the whiskey, the distillery it came from, and the type of alcohol all play a role.

By taking the time to compare prices, you can be sure you’re getting a good deal on your investment.


These are five helpful tips when considering investing in whiskey. Remember that a good whiskey investment takes time, knowledge and for the most part- luck.

The best way to increase your chances however is by following these guidelines when examining whiskeys you might want to put your money into.

You may want to consider using an organization such as Whisky Invest Direct, who provide you with the opportunity to investing in many of the top Scotch whisky companies such as Diageo, Pernod Ricard, Distell, Beam Suntory and Whyte & Mackay. Check out their website to learn more. And like any investment type, always seek investment advice from a financial advisor before investing.

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